Erase Una Y Otra Vez: La Cape (2009)

Erase Una Y Otra Vez : La Cape (2009)
About the Play:
“Erase Una y Otra Vez: La Cape” was originally subtitled, “LaVerdadera Historia de Caperucita Roja”, as it was also produced to raise funds, and unite various Catholic Youth Groups from Galveston-Houston Archdiocese, on a special event prepared by the non-profit Catholic organization, Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil.
It’s debut presentation was on February of 2009, and toned down its content due to the fact it would be presented in the church. Eddie González wrote the piece, and was revised by Mayela Martinez. It contains double entendre, a very spicy style Mexican artists enjoy writing.
This story is nowhere near from having any religious point of views, but it did become very popular in EPJ’s event– the most talked about presentation. Índigo decided to make their version tale of Little Red Riding Hood into a full production outside the church. This is when it was decided for the subtitle to be names, “La Cape”.
“Erase Una y Otra Vez: La Cape” is a satire take on of the original story of the French writer, Charles Perrault, where different character from other tales and movies intertwine, crating a mosaic of absurd entanglements.
La Cape, the main character’s name, is somewhat of a manly young girl who desires to a find her true love, and lusts for plenty “Prince Charmings”, as she heads to her Grandmother’s house to deliver some baked muffins. During her journey she encounters delusional characters that seem out of place; like The Wolf, The Woodcutter, a “Sleepy Beauty”, a girl named “Blanca”, among others, interspersed in the parody.
February, 2009 | EPJ (Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil) in St. Ambrose Catholic Church | |
June 26, 2009 | MECA (Multicultural Education And Counseling Through the Arts | |
June 27, 2009 | MECA (Multicultural Education And Counseling Through the Arts | |
June 28, 2009 | MECA (Multicultural Education And Counseling Through the Arts | |
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Stage Play written by: Eddie González (adaptation of Children’s Tale)
Our Rating: R
Recommended Under 17 must be accompanied by Adult- for some language.